Vladislav Sevostianov

Vladislav Sevostianov

Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Faculty Adviser: Zondlo
Year of Study: G4
Undergraduate School: Harvard
Undergraduate Major: Earth Science and Math

Personal Bio

From Russia, grew up in New Mexico. Always active in different research, from economics, basic physics (friction), environmental sampling, sensor development, to photonics.
Active in different sports, love traveling.
Used to be a firefighter, pilot, among other past times.
Generally do a bit of everything, love learning, and try to stay curious.

Fun Fact

Part of the graduate improv comedy club

Research Pitch

Joint PhD in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and Princeton Institute for Science and Technology of Materials. DoD National Defense Fellow.
I work on developing new instrumentation and field methodologies for detection of trace gases in the atmosphere, collect real world environmental data, and optics.

Projects include instrumentation for tomographic imaging of fields for determining emission locations, drone sensor development, Mid-IR optical coatings/clean room work, tomographic reconstruction algorithm development, among others. Generally, measuring gases that are otherwise hard to measure that have climactic and air pollution significance.

Upcoming Programs That I Am Attending:

Plans for Summer 2025

Not available to participate in Summer ReMatch+ program.