Alexander Raistrick

Alexander Raistrick

Department: Computer Science
Faculty Adviser: Jia Deng
Year of Study: G3
Undergraduate School: University of Michigan
Undergraduate Major: Computer Science

Personal Bio

Fun Fact

I play upright/electric bass in a funk band. I like boardgames, and my favorite is "Terraforming Mars".

Research Pitch

We are looking for contributors to work on Infinigen. Please see our video and paper at

Data, especially large-scale labeled data, has been a critical driver of progress in computer vision. At the same time, data has also been a major challenge, as many important vision tasks remain starved of high-quality data. Synthetic data from computer graphics is a promising solution to this data challenge. We introduce Infinigen, a procedural generator of photorealistic 3D scenes of the natural world. Infinigen is entirely procedural: every asset, from shape to texture, is generated from scratch via randomized mathematical rules, using no external source and allowing infinite variation and composition.

Infinigen is very impactful for AI and Computer Vision, but _working_ on Infinigen involves primarily computer graphics and software engineering work. Infinigen is a large repository of easily understood python code, and all necessary skills can be learned while working on it, however those with experience with Blender are especially encouraged to reach out.

Upcoming Programs That I Am Attending:

Plans for Summer 2025

Interested in participating in Summer 2025 ReMatch+ program.