Dr. Steven Elmlinger

Dr. Steven Elmlinger

Department: Psychology
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Casey Lew-Williams
Year of Study:
Undergraduate School: Indiana University
Undergraduate Major: Speech & Hearing Sciences

Personal Bio

It’s pretty amazing that right now, as you’re reading this, communication is taking place! I’ve been interested in how commonplace this amazing feat is for quite some time, but it took me a while to find the perfect outlet for my curiosity. In undergrad, I did research in a lab that studied how young children are sensitive to different accents of English. Where does that sensitivity come from? What are the developmental mechanisms that give rise to children’s ability to detect variation in speech and to produce it in ways that resemble the language around them?

In exploring these questions, I’ve worked on a range of projects—from developing interventions for children with dyslexia, examining real-time word learning in dual eye-tracking experiments with parents and children, to comparing the vocal development of zebra finch and human infants! Now at Princeton I look at the neural underpinnings of how infants figure out their voices are potent forces on the nearby social environment. I'm looking forward to sharing what I've learned with those interested in studying the intersection of communicative and cognitive development!

Fun Fact

I like Brian Wilson, who has a really great song about vegetables.

Research Pitch

My research focuses on the role of parent-child interaction in early speech and language development, particularly how infants shape their own learning environments through their vocal behaviors. Vocalizations are one of infants' earliest-developing tools that wield influence over the immediate social environment. My previous work suggests that even before infants begin to produce the consonant sounds of their language, they're already starting to figure out the power of their voice.

At Princeton, I’m studying the neural mechanisms that give rise to this awareness, as well as the motivation it provides for continued learning of language and communication skills throughout childhood.

Upcoming Programs That I Am Attending:

Plans for Summer 2025

Interested in participating in Summer 2025 ReMatch+ program.